How is Vitamin E effective for Hyperpigmentation?

How is Vitamin E effective for Hyperpigmentation?

We all desire to get a radiant and flawless complexion so we don’t have to struggle to conceal any imperfections. Unfortunately, external and internal factors cause cell damage and lead to various skin issues and one of the most grappling issues is hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is one of the most dreaded and challenging skin care issues around the world beyond age, gender, skin type or any other factor. Unfortunately, several factors like environment, pollution, genetics, and chemicals in cosmetics hamper our skin severely. It leads to dark patches on the skin and uneven skin patches on the body parts. Hyperpigmentation in skin is caused by an increase in melanin.

Numerous studies and reports indicate that vitamin E is the most effective remedy in the long and challenging quest to fade hyperpigmentation. Vitamin E makes your skin resilient, healthy, stave off any damage as it has antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and protection against UV damage.

Combination of Vitamin E and vitamin C for Hyperpigmentation

Dark spots on your skin are usually caused by melanin, which is triggered by hormones. Hyperpigmentation may be treated with vitamin E alone, but the most effective treatment involves pairing vitamin E with vitamin C. Vitamin E and Vitamin C work together to fight free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause damage to cells and can lead to premature aging of the skin. The two vitamins also help reduce inflammation, which is another factor that contributes to hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C is often found in anti-aging products because it helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin A is also commonly found in anti-wrinkle creams because it reduces dark spots and blemishes.

Vitamin E is often included in moisturizers because it works as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. These three vitamins work together to help make your skin healthy and beautiful.

When Vitamin E is taken along with Vitamin A it acts strongly on hyperpigmentation. Together these vitamins regulate the production and dispersal of melanocytes, the pigment particles that are at the root of the problem. They both protect from and repair UV damage, and help the skin function effectively to renew itself

What is Hyperpigmentation?

 It is the name given to uneven and patchy skin that looks darker than its surrounding areas. It occurs when skin starts diffusing excess melanin, the pigment that gives color. The common forms of hyperpigmentation include dull spots, melisma, freckles, liver spots, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and sunspots.

What causes hyperpigmentation?

Various internal and external elements lead to higher levels of melanin in the body leading to the formation of hyperpigmentation. Cell damage, genetics, hormonal imbalances, inadequate nutrients, unhealthy habits, inflammation and the natural process of aging are the primary reasons that contribute to overproduction of melanocytes.

How to manage hyperpigmentation?

There is no dearth of skin care products and cosmetics in the market making tall claims on treating hyperpigmentation but the most neglected fact is that what we eat is what we reflect. Getting a healthy and glowing complexion isn’t possible without treating the body with the right nutrients and vitamins and dealing with the problem from inside that is from its origin. A balanced and nutrient rich diet can reduce, prevent or lighten hyperpigmentation effectively.

Load your diet with vitamin C

Forte damage is one of the leading causes of melisma and freckles. Vitamin C is jam-packed with photosynthetic brightening and rejuvenating properties. Vitamin c slows down the production of melanocyte by inhibiting the action of tyrosine, an enzyme required for melanin synthesis. It also forces the formation of collagen in the body and facilitates faster cell repair. Vitamin c defenses the skin barrier against oxidative stress. Kiwi, tomatoes, bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits, and broccoli are great source to add vitamin C in your diet.

Amp up your vitamin B 12 intake

Vitamin B 12 is required for the production of red blood cells ,DNA synthesis and optimal cognitive function . It is significantly a natural pigment regulator. Fortified cereals, milk, eggs, salmon, fish, milk and dairy products are full of vitamin B 12.

Include Vitamin E in Your Diet

Slack on sugar

Your favorite dessert can cause glycation effect that further worsens your skin discoloration and unevenness. It is a process in which glucose attaches to the protein molecule in the body and causes the protein to break down resulting in collagen degradation, this can lead to numerous problems such as inflammation and hyperpigmentation. This is why it is important to avoid food items with high glycemic index.

Avoid Fizzy drinks

It causes inflammation that leads to cell degeneration cell damage can manifest in the form of acne break out discoloration and premature signs of aging . Such inflammatory drinks have no nutritional value. Instead, include Herbal teas and  fresh vegetable juices in your diet.

How to Treat Hyperpigmentation Naturally?

Prevention is always better than cure.  It is important to protect your skin from damage by using sunscreen and by moisturizing it well. Vitamin E helps to prevent wrinkles and sunburns by reducing the amount of free radicals in your body. It also prevents premature aging of the skin, making it more resistant to environmental factors.

Ways to use Vitamin E for Hyperpigmentation?

Topical Applications

You can use Vitamin E topical creams,  gel or serums  directly on your skin to let it seep in and give you the desired results gradually.

Vitamin E capsules

Oral supplements are the best way to get the benefits of Vitamin E through your diet. Taking Vitamin E capsules have multifarious benefits as it is absorbed well in the body thereby keeping your immune system strong.

Here  are few Vitamin E supplements available in market;

  • Genone E Gen Vitamin E capsule
  • Himalayan Organics Plant Based Vitamin E Capsules
  • Ningen Vitamin E capsule
  • Eglow Vitamin E Capsules
  • Best Choice Nutrition Pure Vitamin E Capsule
  • Pronutrition Vitamin E Complex 1000 IU Vitamin E Capsules
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